
Nelson Reitz
It's a designer who put tools like Photoshop and Sketch away to directly code the interfaces he imagined.
Originally from Geneva, he leaves his beloved jet d'eau in 2017 to brave the unknown: a new life in a small fishing village called Lausanne.
A jack of all trades in the world of visual communication, he practiced illustration, motion design, print graphics, animation and typography before becoming passionate about UX Design and Frontend development.
In his spare time, he practices finger and calf gymnastics: illustration, guitar and hiking. Also addicted to decibels, he listens to at least 3 albums a day while bathing in musical styles ranging from ambient to extreme metal.
The rest of the time, you'll find him devouring very healthy things like chips, köttbullar and salted butter.

Role in projects

Frontend developer, specialising in design systems and responsive integration.


2014Bachelor of Arts en Communication Visuelle (HEAD – Genève)


With a design-oriented background, Nelson has for some years now been focusing on increasingly technical challenges. He is now interested in the process between design and development and intends to improve the link between these two worlds in order to continue to design accessible, usable and robust products.
On the technology side, he is passionate about the latest fashionable frameworks, design systems, JAMstack, decoupling with backend, theming and CSS-in-JS.

your fighter

Parmi les collègues de Nelson